Ranchito Orphanage and Spiritual School for Little Angels
History (Page 2)

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."

- W. B. Yeats


T he children were taught subjects that contributed to the all-round development of body, mind, and soul - not academics only. They had story-classes and other special provisions for the entertainment and instruction of the younger children, and dramatic and debating societies for the older boys. Industrial and commercial training was given in tailoring, spinning, book-binding, cane-work, modeling, typing, bookkeeping, etc...

Much of the class-work was done outdoors.  Agricultural courses were given and gardening was one of the occupations.  Each group had its own plot of land for growing vegetables, etc. They had many pets.  Excursion outings to distant places formed part of the regular routine ...to encourage love for natural beauty and to help the young ones to excercise their will power.


They were made to avoid all wrongly conceived ideas of happiness.  All students kept a record on their own changing tendencies and were taught to make it their own business to be better, in the very best environment that they could have.  The ideal of plain living and high thinking was inculcated by advice and example. The necessity and joy of an exalted moral and spiritual life was brought home to everyone thru general instruction, contact with Saintly men, high-principled teachers, and individual direction.

There was a marked and favorable change in the general nature of each student who stayed at these schools for some time, and they lived in an atmosphere of peace, joy, and harmony.

Such educational institutions are rarely to be seen.  We pray that the establishment of this school will inspire people around the world to do the same.

"Children are living messages we send to a time we will not see."
- Author unknown
